Senator Carper, fulfill your promise to lower drug costs for Delawareans by increasing access to next generation generics known as biosimilars

For too long, Delawareans have faced high prescription drug costs due to misaligned incentives and anticompetitive practices.

Last Congress, Senator Carper introduced bipartisan legislation that would decrease drug costs by fundamentally realigning incentives to increase the use of next generation generics known as biosimilars, which have the potential to save patients $100 billion by 2024 if Congress acts now.

Senator Carper has the opportunity to make biosimilars an important part of the massive budget reconciliation bill Congress is considering by including provisions that would increase the add-on payment to physicians for prescribing biosimilars from 5% over the average sales price to 8%. Although a few percentage points may not seem like much, this would result in a substantial increase in biosimilar prescriptions, saving patients, the government, and taxpayers money.

Senator Carper, we are counting on you to stand up for Delaware and pass commonsense legislation that increases access to lower cost biosimilars.

For more information on how the Biosimilars Forum is advocating for patients across the country, visit our website: