Biosimilars Forum Applauds Coherus for Launch of YUSIMRY™

Juliana M. Reed, executive director the Biosimilars Forum, released the following statement to commend Coherus Biosciences for launching YUSIMRY™ (adalimumab-aqvh). This launch contributes to a watershed moment of Humira® (adalimumab) biosimilars launching in the U.S. this year. These biosimilars carry the potential to reshape the future of prescription drug prices in the U.S. and could save patients and the U.S. healthcare system more than billions in health care spending per year. However, for these medications to fully benefit patients, it is imperative that they are accessible.

“This launch marks another critical point for biosimilars in the United States. Coherus’s introduction of YUSIMRY™ adds another Humira® (adalimumab) biosimilar to the market, contributing to a more competitive environment capable of reducing prescription drug costs.

“The cost-saving advantages of biosimilars can only materialize if they are easily accessible to patients in need. These lower-cost therapies must be available on formularies, allowing the biosimilars marketplace to function as intended and reduce healthcare costs for millions of Americans.

“Humira® is the most expensive prescription drug in the United States and can cost patients upwards of $84,000 per year. It has experienced a 470% price increase since first introduced on the market.

“This is why the Biosimilars Forum calls on the Biden Administration, Congress, and federal regulators to meet this crucial moment and ensure Humira® (adalimumab) biosimilarsare available to patients, including Medicare patients. This is an opportunity that can bring massive savings to Medicare patients, as Medicare could have saved an estimated $2.19 billion on Humira® over four years had biosimilar competition been accessible.

“The biosimilars industry must see comprehensive support from policymakers on both sides of the aisle to provide patients with the lower-cost options they deserve. I eagerly look forward to collaborating with these decisionmakers and healthcare stakeholders as additional Humira® (adalimumab) biosimilarsare introduced – to hopefully deliver long-awaited, affordable treatments for the world’s best-selling drug.”

For more information on the Biosimilars Forum’s work to increase access to lower-cost biosimilars, visit